Saturday, August 8, 2015

Grain Game Rromi Camp

What an awesome start to the summer.  The kids from Pesac were able to attend a summer camp up in Sistarovat!  Thanks to an American team, led by Daryl and Janna Edwards, for helping and the financial support!  This aspect of The Grain Game is fairly new.  Bogdan and Callum and a few others are the leaders. I agreed to spearhead this effort and administrate it for now until Bogdan can take over.  Grain Game primarily targets middle school age youngsters for the wonderful gospel preparations. Grain Game, Chip Riley, has developed some of the best demonstrations for children's ministry that I have ever seen.  This is our second year for camp with the Pesac kids. During the rest of the year Bogdan, Callum and team do monthly kids club with them. 

We have another camp scheduled for the 2nd week in September, just before school starts. We will be doing this camp with the Vinga youngsters. We already have a kid's club there on Saturdays run by Spencer and Lynsey Ball as well as Bogdan.

1 comment:

missionary chic said...

Now I know what a grain game is. 😊