Tuesday, February 28, 2012

It's catch-up time!

Sorry it has been so long since my last posting (AGAIN!!!) The winter has been tough but God has provided! My health is OK. Here are some of the highlights of the last 6 weeks.

Elizabeth still isn't too big for my lap! This is her costume for the Rock and Roll dance competition which was part of Teen Fest. They competed against many schools. This part of the competition was performed at one our malls.

Sarah chose to compete in Teen Fest in the Cheer Leading competition. Sarah is on the left in the front row.

Elizabeth's new styles are a flash-back to the 60's for me. Oh please Lord - no bell-bottom pants....

I put this in...just because I think it is G-R-E-A-T!!!!! All those manly men vs. one Romanian country woman...love it, love it, love it...! HHMMM, actually I may know her from my village.

We have really had the snow this year. Entire villages were cut off and driving was a nightmare. It has warmed up so we now are having some flooding. I have checked on all the elderly in the Widow Mite's program, and praise God we have only lost one and I don't think the extreme cold or snow had anything to do with it. I thought we had probably seen the last of snow falling this year (it is still piled up in large dirty mounds and some is still on the ground) This morning I strolled past the window...W-H-A-T??? A white covering on everything??? OK Maybe NOW we are done. I dislike ice but mud is a close second.

Elizabeth is taking guitar lessons and Sarah is taking voice - this picture is a real blessing to me - in church praising the Lord.

Spencer and Lynsey Ball. along with their children Trinity and Jonathan, visited with us for about 10 days. Here is Bogdan. Elizabeth and Spencer helping deliver food to the widows. Trinity was able to visit some Widows too and they joyfully remembered her from 2 years ago. Trinity had donated her own saved up bag of money to buy them all chocolate.

Lynsey and Lorraine helping at Mocrea. Matt and Lorraine Marshall have Friendship Camp where our youth go each summer. Along with their other ministries they have been long time supporters of the work at Mocrea and helped with renovations there.

Spencer and Lynsey's children, Trinity and Jonathan, were in charge of the Play Doh table at Mocrea. Matt and Spencer were really playing too but pretended to supervise. The little guy by the wall is Elijah Marshall - what a cutie he is.

Last week I visited with this family. I took clothing for the children. I also had 3 Christmas shoe boxes left so I included those. The older children were so excited because they thought they were getting shoes. 5 children and I saw only one with a pair of shoes. While the family was praying with their heads bowed I put an envelope on the bed with some funds.

Today I was back there with the Vinga church deacons: Bogdan; Marius and Leontin, to dedicate the baby. There is not a pastor in that village.

1 comment:

esztertun said...

It is so good to hear all the news, Jackie! And thank you for posting all the photos too. Your girls are growing up and so beautiful!