Monday, January 28, 2013

So much going on!

It appears that we will have the renovations completed on the Vinga church in time for the official opening April 14.  Daniel Negrea has had a huge cross made for the wall behind the pulpit - we are so excited! Also he has found affordable material for our new benches.  I need to go and approve the material and Daniel will arrange to deliver the donated cross and then pick up the benches for upholstering at the same time.  The balcony rail is almost done too.

I saw a pulpit in a church in FL that was awesome and asked for some pictures of it from several views. I took these pictures to the carpenter in the village. He couldn't figure out what it was so I explained it was a pulpit.  I gave him the basic dimensions including the height of the Plexiglas piece where the bible or notes will rest.  The carpenter said it was too high as most of the priests here are short...but I'm not. He was astonished to hear it was for me. He muttered something anything else they don't know about me????  Yeah, probably there is.  Now I have to figure our where on earth to find Plexiglas in this country.  If I can't locate it I may have to ask some of the people that are coming in March from the States to bring a sheet of it with them.

There is an exciting new project that may be started this year...but since I am not sure I won't say anything yet - but it is HUGE!  It is definitely too big for it MUST BE GOD! I have also been praying about adding another person to the ministry as an employee so they get full benefits and I believe I have gotten the go ahead from the Lord. Thanks to a pledge I have received lately it will be possible.

Please continue to pray for us here.  Elizabeth and Sarah are at difficult ages for them, 14 &13. Please remember them in your prayers.  They are a joy to my heart! 

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