Monday, May 10, 2010

Widow's Mite

On Friday afternoon Walter, myself, Elizabeth, Sarah. Hans and four of his girls went to Pauisani. I divided Maria's food in to 5 small bags as they had to hike 1 Km up with the food. I stayed in the van to read, well that was the plan anyway. I seemed to have been a tourist attraction in that small village - "look the American is back" I heard. I visited with several ladies. The owner of the small food store introduced me to a lady named Anuta and said I should walk back with her to her house and see the table clothes she makes. Not knowing how to politely get out of it I followed her up the road to her house. Anyone who has been here has seen those table clothes with the embroidery and cutouts - now I have seen how they make them. Anuta draws the patterns on with pencil, appears to be freehand. Then she hems a piece of linen cloth all around the edge of the table cloth or piece she is working on. She has this ancient treadle sewing machine and handles not only the thin thread on the top spindle but also a heavier cord as well as another spool of thread - all while moving the piece back and forth under the needle to secure the threads - amazing! She pauses and cuts out between the stitching with a tiny pair of scissors. She was so pleased I took pictures of her and her handicraft and said I would definitely put this in my blog.

When everyone came back down the trail the kids were all very wet - there is a spring up on top and there were polliwogs! Oh joy!

Ana, another lady in Pauisani that gets food from Widow's Mite asked why we do not come and spend a couple of days there. It is lovely. Walter said Maria has so much land on top of the mountain we should go there. Ana said we would make a big fire and roast things. The typical food here to prepare on a campfire is fresh bread and you put smoked or cured pig fat on a stick and catch the drippings on to the bread. To that you add fresh tomatoes and onions. It is actually pretty yummy. We talked about Hans bring his kids, our little family as well as Roni and the kids from his children's home and hiking up there to camp. I can not imagine how much food we would have to haul up there, not to mention tents, sleeping bags and changes of clothes - but I am game. I think it would be great for the kids! Yes, I will attempt to get up the mountain. If I couldn't for some reason I could stay down in the little valley at Ana's house.

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