I wanted to share several pictures - the first is Elizabeth who has done very well in her exams this second year of veterinary medicine. I don't have a picture of Elizabeth studying. The next is Sarah in her student nurse uniform. She is also doing very well and likes her courses.
We were able to repair Cati's house in Vinga. Hans came with 2 friends from Holland to do the work and Reaching Romania helped to pay for the materials. This winter she has a new roof, walls without holes and a secure door. We distributed Christmas gifts to all the widows and they had extra food for the holidays. There is a picture of Tammy packing the food bags in my bathroom - it is quite a task. The widows love their Christmas boxes. That is Randy with one of our ladies in the Widow's Mite program. The picture of a single widow is Ana. Ana is 95 years old and knits slippers from her bed. She will not use regular yarn for her slippers - she unravels sweaters! She gifts me with all these slippers and we pay for her medicines in trade. Ana broke her glasses and we were unable to get them professionally repaired, they said she would have to come in for an exam and get new glasses. Ana is rarely out of bed anymore. I gave it my best effort with the repair and warned her they were very fragile. I got them to her this afternoon and she was so happy. Pray they last!
We had several Christmas parties at Mocrea. The Rock of Hope gang all came and did an excellent job of caroling and helping to pass out presents, bags of candy and fruit as well as soda. Elizabeth doubled up on a class the day before so she could play the guitar. Scores of Ana's slippers were given as gifts as well as awesome finger-less gloves made by a special group in the States called Knitters on a Mission. All the profits from their knitting goes to help support the girls at ROHM.
Osana and Caleb houses each had their own gift distributions. They also received the bags of fruit and candy. It is such fun to watch these youngsters dig through their Christmas boxes. Each year Reaching Romania provides all these gift boxes for the widows and orphans.
A party was held in Vinga for the children in youth group in Vinga. It was the first we did to start off our holiday parties.
Well now I remember I have to load the pictures from last to first so it matches the narrative. Also I do not know how to rotate after they have been uploaded. I would like to tell you that I will keep trying to edit this blog tonight...ah no. Wait maybe I can label the pictures...be right back...well as you can see that didn't work. Merry Christmas to you all and to all a good night!