Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ghita's house BEFORE

 Most of this had to be burned. The plastic bags contain some left over food from the Widow's Mite food distributions - Ghita had no place to store it. Under the pile was a burlap and straw mattress. We went a day early and sprayed and spread powder to kill the fleas. We may have killed a few thousand but tens of thousands came to their funeral!  I pray that the team from Kansas did not take any home with them!
 This was Ghita's bed - an old mattress and box spring on top of a child size bed with foot and head boards. We burned all of this. The blankets don't look half bad in the picture, but the smell was not to be believed.
We had sympathy for Ghita. What must he have felt like to see so much of his stuff hauled out and burned? Adina gave him an shave and a haircut and I found a set of clean clothes. He has horrible headaches and I had some Ibuprofen with me and they really helped!

A scripture came to me while we were working - Isaiah 64:6 - all our righteousness are like filthy rags. I felt very humble in helping to serve Ghita. God id good!

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