Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Good Friday

We had a really nice Good Friday service in Vinga. I was surprised because the church was packed. I usually expect extra people on Easter Sunday and Christmas but not Good Friday.

Women's meeting

A pretty good crowd for a first meeting.

Mary Jill and our translator Diana.

Paula Dunn and the worship team

March 27 we had a women's meeting here in Arad. My friend Mary Jill Callery and two wonderful Hungarian ladies came to speak. The name of the meeting or group is Women for Women and our theme was that the Lord has something for everyone. Paula Dunn and a group of ladies provided the praise and worship music. I tried something new here - door prizes. They were a big hit. Several ladies asked when our next meeting would be so Mary Jill and I set a date in June and another in August.

An amazing thing happened in that meeting. When the ladies were filing in and settling in a man walked in and sat down. He looked really out of place in a women's meeting here in Romania. In the States we usually would have a few men, but this is Romania. Someone came to me as I was setting up the door prizes and making sure we had everything. She asked if I had noticed the man sitting in the auditorium and I said that I had. She thought he looked strange and we should ask him to leave. I was really busy so I just cut her short with a mumbled "oh just leave him alone". When the official portion of the meeting was over with I invited people to stay if they wanted prayer. I was busy cleaning up and noticed this guy was still there. We asked him if he needed something. He said his name was Attila and he had one of the flyers and it said that the Lord has something for everyone - he wanted a touch from the Lord. Attila went on to say he had tried to get his sister to attend with him, then he tried his mother and finally a neighbor lady but no female would accompany him. I was so surprised that a Romanian man would brave coming to a women's meeting because he was so hungry for a touch from the Lord. We prayed for him and of course the Lord met him where he was at.